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Pages 57-58 of the book Acadians in Maryland by Gregory A. Wood has the following information about an Acadian who became the second Mother Superior of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph's at Emmitsburg, Maryland.
"...Carroll was named archbishop in 1808, at the age of 73, and he was soon blessed by the work of two widows, Elizabeth Seton and Rose Landry White, who joined together to establish the American Sisters of Charity in the summer of 1809. At age 25 and ten years junior to Mother Seton, Rose White was the granddaughter of Joseph and Rose Jeaudain [Jandin or Dine], Newtown, 1763. The Jeaudin's daughter Magdalaine had married George Landry in Baltimore in 1780, and, from this union, came a future Mother Superior of this new order of nuns. Rose Landry was born in Baltimore on 23 March 1785, and, fourteen years later, became the teen bride of a considerably older Capt. Joseph White. After two children and the death of her husband at sea, Rose found a new vocation. In an 1810 letter to Mother Seton, Carroll referred to her repeatedly as "dear Rose," praising her candor and good heart while acknowledging her youthful inexperience..."
Page 361, Deaths and Interments, has the following information about the death of Joseph White,Jr. [the Acadian surname of LeBlanc was changed to White], husband of Rose Landry :
"White, Joseph Jr. ca. 1804 husband of Rose Landry [later Mother Rose White]. No record can be found of his burial, because he was lost at sea. In Mrs. Seton: Foundress of the American Sisters of Charity, Joseph Dirvin speaks of his death as coming shortly before his only daughter Margaret Mary Ann's passing, 9 May 1804..."
Note: Rose Landry was born about 1785 in Baltimore, MD. Her great-grandparents were Pierre Landry and Marie-Magdeleine Broussard who was a sister of Joseph Brpoussard dit Beausoleil. Joseph White [the Acadian surname was LeBlanc], Jr. was born about 1775 in Baltimore, MD. He had several LeBlanc lines going back to Daniel LeBlanc, the Acadian Progenitor, and Francoise Gaudet.
National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
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